
The Dream Team Machine

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The Problem

As companies grow, people silo

As teams and companies grow, employee relationships become more distant and formal. Employees know less about what’s going outside of their own teams and departments. “Teams” become “companies” and eventually just “places to work”. Employees that feel disconnected from the broader company are more likely to be disengaged at work.

The Product

Promote a tighter, more connected company culture through easy to setup 1:1s

Meetloaf automatically creates and schedules virtual 1:1s for your teammates to get to know each other better, catchup and learn something new. Whether you're a team of 10 or 1,000 - Meetloaf pairs and schedules everyone in under a minute.


Defaults have power

Meetloaf meetings get dropped directly into free times on employee calendars. No back and forth with the person you're paired with or need for one person to be the 'planner'. We found many people using similar tools that didn't do the scheduling rarely actually met with their pair. Meetloaf solves this drop-off by simply making a scheduled meeting the default.


Automatic Scheduling

Meetloaf integrates directly with Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook to use employee schedules to both pair and schedule 1:1 meetings, typically in under a minute. We use background job processing to ensure that regardless of company size, everyone gets scheduled.