
The fun way to stay connected.

The Problem

It's hard for family and friend groups that don't see eachother often to feel connected

People are busy. Chat groups can go stale for months if there is nothing prompting a group to stay connected. It's tough to get an 80+ year old grandparent and a 14 year old nephew in the same digital space.

The Product

Little meaningful moments that live between a group's big ones

An app where families and friend groups come together over fun daily challenges.


All together now

Our guiding design philosophy for Rollcall is inclusivity. We want anyone in a family or friend group to be able to participate regardless of technical savvy.

The upload flow is an example of this strategy where we made very explicit the upload options both in terms of visibility and explaination.

Writing "Record a video" instead of "Video" or just a camera icon makes uploading clearer and more approachable.